Easy-care guide to blind daffodils

Easy-care guide to blind daffodils

Blooming daffodils
By Scott J Millin


Daffodils are susceptible to a condition known as blindness, in which they exhibit a robust growth of foliage but fail to produce flowers. This issue can arise due to various factors such as inadequate soil quality, overcrowding, and lack of sunlight. Fortunately, this problem can typically be resolved with some simple steps, although it may take a couple of years for the bulbs to bloom once more.

To address this issue, it is recommended to dig up the daffodil bulbs in the autumn and replant them. If the daffodils were previously growing in a shaded area, consider relocating them to a sunnier spot. In cases of overcrowding, divide the bulbs and plant them in smaller clusters. Additionally, if the soil quality is poor, enrich it with well-rotted manure or homemade compost. Ensure that the bulbs are adequately watered and top-dressed with organic matter.

By following these steps, you should expect to see daffodil flowers blooming once again within a couple of years.

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